DASI Open House

DASI Solutions had an open house at their facility in Pontiac, Michigan. DASI is an engineering consulting company that also sells SolidWorks CAD software and Stratasys 3D printing equipment. The open house included a presentation on Geomagic by EMS and demonstrations by EMS, Wenzel, CyberOptics and 3D Infotech. Mr. David Darbyshire, one of the owners of …


Stratasys-Systems and Materials Update.

Stratasys is a 3D printing company that has been around for almost thirty years. They produce 3D printers and printing material as well as offering 3D printing services. Stratasys printers are offered as either fused deposition modeling (FDM) or Polyjet (which work on the same principle as inkjet printers). They also offer the Makerbot line of desk top …


Scanner Review Process

A few years ago I decided to get involved in 3D scanning and printing. After identifying the industry where my experience would be most useful came the task of finding the equipment that would be best for that application. A search of the internet for information began. Visits were also made to shows that included scanner …


3D Scanning Apps for iOS

In recent years, developers have been creating 3D scanning apps for smart phones and tablets. Some will work only on Android systems, and others will work only on Apple’s iOS systems. Some apps will work on both Android and iOS systems as well as Windows systems. At present I am unable to test the apps that are …


Visit to CAM Logic

One of my editors and I recently received an invitation from Leah Mack at CAM Logic to attend their open house. We went to CAM Logic’s new facility in Oxford Michigan just north of Detroit. CAM Logic offers 3D scanning and printing services, and sells and supports scanning and printing hardware and related software. Upon arrival we were met by …


On DIY Printing

The world of 3D printing is constantly evolving. Many of the patents on 3D printers have run out. This has allowed many startups to build their own 3D printers. Searching funding web sites, such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo etc., will return numerous 3D printers that the startups are trying to produce. Some of the 3D printers look as …


On DIY Scanning

Scanning objects with a 3D scanner is becoming more popular as scanners become more affordable. 3D scanners allow you to “scan” an object and create a three dimensional computer file (or “model”) of that object. It does this by projecting a narrow beam of light or laser onto the object. One or more sensors read …



A lot of people think 3D printing is something new and many are not even aware of 3D scanning. But 3D scanning and printing have been around for a while. 3D scanning was in use when I began my career as an automotive designer in the mid 1970s. I received my first training on 3D …
