Michael J Remenar
I live in the Detroit area and spent most of my working life as an automotive designer. I’ve been using Computer Aided Design (or CAD) for a majority of my design career, first on 2D and then on 3D systems. I’ve also had the opportunity to teach computer graphics and mentor a high school robotics team. I was laid off with the downturn in the economy and was unable to get back to work in design due to the scarcity of jobs. I received training in web development and network administration and have been building and repairing computers for about twenty years.
While researching 3D printing and scanning I found it difficult to find any place where I could compare the different devices and judge which would fit my needs the best. Each review I found seemed to be by a different person. The reviews were fine but there was no consistency between those reviews. My intention is to use the same procedure and the same objects for reviewing each device. That will show how the devices compare with one another and help you decide which fits your needs the best.
Between reviews I will try to keep you up to date on the latest news in 3D scanning and printing. I will be visiting the various shows and seminars that come to the Detroit area. Some of the events will be aimed at businesses and manufacturing, while others will be aimed at individuals and inventors. I will attempt to cover as many events as I can.